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lab 9:32 Fri Jan 30
Child maintenance question .
Does it stop at 18 . I've been told if my son is at college I will carry on paying . If he gets an apprenticeship I've been told I don't have to . I don't wanna find 280 pound to ask a solicitor , can anyone advise please .?

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Nurse Ratched 11:43 Sat Jan 31
Re: Child maintenance question .
*peers over spectacles at Mr Polite*

Joke Whole 7:04 Sat Jan 31
Re: Child maintenance question .
The true answer is: "Which ever lasts longer." Anything that involves the law, the government and money will always result in an outcome which best benefits the government.

It never actually stops. Even after they become self-sufficient, the cycle continues, normally kicked off with something like "Dad...have you seen the new iPhone?..."

Mr Polite 1:27 Sat Jan 31
Re: Child maintenance question .

Nurse Ratched 11:15 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .

Because I like you I have bitten a hole through my lip ;)

claret on my shirt 1:23 Sat Jan 31
Re: Child maintenance question .
until they bleed you dry and you're a husk of a human being full of bitterness and evil thoughts.

DukeofDevo 12:13 Sat Jan 31
Re: Child maintenance question .
Until they remain in full time education is the criteria!

So collage counts if he gets a job you're in the clear

You should have pulled it out a bit quicker!

ray winstone 11:32 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .
My, there are some insensitive cunts on here.

Nurse Ratched 11:31 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .
Eek! Now it's 'cosmetic surgery'.

I haven't 'searched' for that either, but I fear it can read my mind. :-(

ManorParkHammer 11:29 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .
You made him. You pay for him.

oneteaminlondon 11:28 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .
Yes you'd pay as long as he's in full time education right up until he's 20. As soon as he starts earning money you stop. The test is when child benefit stops.

bruuuno 11:20 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .
Or a lie detective

roltrader 11:15 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .
Go on the Jeremy Vile show and ask for a dna test

Nurse Ratched 11:15 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .
I am amused to note adverts for Durex appearing on the site now.

And no. Nothing to do with my browsing habits. I'm a god-fearing, catholic 'rhythm' girl.

lab 11:08 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .
Very good Bruuuno.

bruuuno 11:06 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .
So you're quite happy spunking your seed here there and everywhere but you won't chip in so that your offspring can get on it at the weekend. You make me sick

lab 10:54 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .
Exactly. From the link Snarestoneiron gave me I think I will be paying it in the school year that he is 18 . He's 18 in October so I guess I pay it till next July. That's fine, but sure , I dont think it goes on him . . But what can u do ? Thx for your comments all . ( I don't have to do a RIB thing here do I ? )

Mr Polite 10:35 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .

What a stupid thing thiing to say.

I'm sure he'll still support his kid - just not by law have to pay it into the pocket of someone who doesn't have to spend it on the kid

Feed Me Chicken 10:17 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .
That was the point Nurse!

I'm sure he still wants to spend money on his kids, just safe in the knowledge that it goes to them rather than it paying for his ex's booze and fags.

Hani 10:15 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .
There is nothing better to spend money on in this world than spending money on your own kids, 18 or not should not come into it.

Jasnik 9:56 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .
If he yours pay up .

SnarestoneIron 9:48 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .
Jesus, just google it!


Nurse Ratched 9:40 Fri Jan 30
Re: Child maintenance question .

They'd crucify him for this..

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